
睡眠博士 吳清平院長

吳清平 院長 Wu, Chin-Pyng 


聯新國際醫療集團重症醫療聯盟 院長
聯新國際醫院 資深副院長
聯新國際醫院高端科技睡眠中心 主任
財團法人壢新醫學研究發展基金會 董事長
中華民國重症醫學會 榮譽理事
國防醫學院醫學系內科學科 兼任教授
國立中央大學 兼任教授
三軍總醫院澎湖分院 院長
行政院衛生署澎湖醫院 院長
中華民國重症醫學會 理事長
台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會 理事
● 論文著作 共計46篇:  
1    Hsieh PC, Kuo CY, Wu CP, Yue CT, Peng CK, Huang KL, Lan CC. Nonionic surfactant attenuates acute lung injury by restoring epithelial integrity and alveolar fluid clearance. Int J Med Sci. 2021;18(6):1363-1374.
2    Wu CP, Huang KL, Peng CK, Lan CC. Acute hyperglycemia aggravates lung injury via activation of the SGK1-NKCC1 pathway. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(13):4803.
3    Ruan SY, Teng NC, Huang CT, Tsai SL, Wang CY, Wu CP, Hsu JY, Yu CJ, Hsiung C, Wu HD, Chen L. Dynamic changes in prognosis with elapsed time on ventilators among mechanically ventilated patients. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020;17(6):729-735.
4    Liang YR, Yang MC, Wu YK, Tzeng IS, Wu PY, Huang SY, Lan CC, Wu CP*. Transitional percentage of minute volume as a novel predictor of weaning from mechanical ventilation in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Asian Nurs Res (Korean Soc Nurs Sci). 2020;14(1):30-35. 
5    Lan CC, Huang HK, Wu CP, Tu CC, Huang TW, Tsai WC, Tseng NC, Chang H. Recruitment maneuver leads to increased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2020 ;271:103284.
6    Tang SE, Wu SY, Chu SJ, Tzeng YS, Peng CK, Lan CC, Perng WC, Wu CP, Huang KL.Pre-treatment with ten-minute carbon dioxide inhalation prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced lung injury in mice via down-regulation of toll-like receptor 4 expression. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(24).
7    Peng CK, Huang KL, Wu CP, Wu YK, Tzeng IS, Lan CC.Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor roflumilast attenuates pulmonary air emboli-induced lung injury. J Surg Res. 2019;241:24-30.
8    Peng CK, Wu CP, Lin JY, Peng SC, Lee CH, Huang KL, Shen CH. Gas6/Axl signaling attenuates alveolar inflammation in ischemia-reperfusion-induced acute lung injury by up-regulating SOCS3-mediated pathway. PLoS One. 2019;14(7):e0219788.
9    Yang JX, Hsiung TC, Weng FC, Ding SL, Wu CP, Conti M, Chuang TH, Catherine Jin SL. Synergistic effect of phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor and serum on migration of endotoxin-stimulated macrophages. Innate Immun. 2018 ;24(8):501-512.
10    Shen CH, Lin JY, Chang YL, Wu SY, Peng CK, Wu CP, Huang KL. Inhibition of NKCC1 modulates alveolar fluid clearance and inflammation in ischemia-reperfusion lung injury via TRAF6-mediated pathways. Front Immunol. 2018;9:2049.
11    Hung CM, Peng CK, Wu CP, Huang KL. Bumetanide attenuates acute lung injury by suppressing macrophage activation. Biochem Pharmacol. 2018 ;156:60-67.
12    Wang TH, Wu CP, Wang LY. Chest physiotherapy with early mobilization may improve extubation outcome in critically ill patients in the intensive care units. Clin Respir J. 2018 ;12(11):2613-2621. 
13    Lan CC, Peng CK, Huang KL, Wu CP*. Acute hyperglycemia aggravates acute lung injury via activation of sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter 1. Respirology.2018;23(Suppl. 2):90–334.
14    Yang JX, Hsieh KC, Chen YL, Lee CK, Conti M, Chuang TH, Wu CP*, Jin SL* 
Phosphodiesterase 4B negatively regulates endotoxin-activated interleukin-1receptor antagonist responses in macrophages. Scientific Reports. 2017;7:46165.
15    Peng CK, Wu SF, Yang SH, Hsieh CF, Huang CC, Huang YT, Wu CP*. Correlation between transition percentage of minute volume (TMV%) and outcome of patients with acute respiratory failure. J Crit Care. 2017 ;39:178-181.
16    Ruan SY, Teng NC, Wu HD, Tsai SL, Wang CY, Wu CP, Yu CJ, Chen L. Durability of weaning success for liberation from invasive mechanical ventilation: an analysis of a nationwide database. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 ;196(6):792-795.
17    Lan CC, Peng CK, Tang SE, Huang KL, Wu CP. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor attenuates ischemia-reperfusion induced acute lung injury. PLoS One. 2017 ;12(6):e0179822.
18    Lan CC, Peng CK, Tang SE, Lin HJ, Yang SS, Wu CP, Huang KL. Inhibition of Na-K-Cl cotransporter isoform 1 reduces lung injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 ;153(1):206-215.
19    Lan CC, Peng CK, Tang SE, Wu SY, Huang KL, Wu CP*. Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody suppresses ERK and NF-κB activation in ischemia-reperfusion lung injury. PLoS One. 2016;11(8):e0159922.
20    Lan CC, Peng CK, Huang SF, Huang KL, Wu CP*. Activated protein C attenuates ischemia-reperfusion-induced acute lung injury. Exp Lung Res. 2015 ;41(5):241-50.
21    Lin HJ, Wu CP, Peng CK, Lin SH, Uchida S, Yang SS, Huang KL. With-no-lysine kinase 4 mediates alveolar fluid regulation in hyperoxia-induced lung injury. Crit Care Med. 2015;43(10):e412-9.
22    Wang CY, Wang JY, Teng NC, Chao TT, Tsai SL, Chen CL, Hsu JY, Wu CP, Lai CC, Chen L. The secular trends in the incidence rate and outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Taiwan--a nationwide population-based study. PLoS One. 2015 ;10(4):e0122675.
23    Liu CH, Huang WS, Wang HH, Wu CP, Chian CF, Perng WC, Tsai CL. Airway obstruction due to tracheomalacia caused by innominate artery compression and a kyphotic cervical spine. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015;99(2):685-7.
24    Lan CC, Hsu HH, Wu CP, Lee SC, Peng CK, Chang H. Positive end-expiratory pressure attenuates positional effect after thoracotomy. Ann Thorac Med. 2014;9(2):112-9.
25    Tang SE, Wu CP, Wu SY, Peng CK, Perng WC, Kang BH, Chu SJ, Huang KL. Stanniocalcin-1 ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced pulmonary oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis in mice. Free Radic Biol Med. 2014 ;71:321-31.
26    Lan CC, Hsu HH, Wu CP, Lee SC, Peng CK, Chang H. Influences of pleural effusion on respiratory mechanics, gas exchange, hemodynamics, and recruitment effects in acute respiratory distress syndrome. J Surg Res. 2014 ;186(1):346-53. 
27    Hsueh CW, Yu HM, Chen HS, Wu CP*. Influenza-related postinfectious encephalomyelitis complicated by a perforated peptic ulcer. Pediatr Neonatol. 2013;54(4):281-4.
28    Lan CC, Chu WH, Yang MC, Lee CH, Wu YK, Wu CP*. Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD and normal exercise capacity. Respir Care. 2013;58(9):1482-8.
29    Wu SY, Wu CP, Kang BH, Li MH, Chu SJ, Huang KL. Hypercapnic acidosis attenuates reperfusion injury in isolated and perfused rat lungs. Crit Care Med. 2012 ;40(2):553-9.
30    Chen S, Su CL, Wu YT, Wang LY, Wu CP, Wu HD, Chiang LL. Physical training is beneficial to functional status and survival in patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation. J Formos Med Assoc. 2011;110(9):572-9.
31    Su CL, Chiang LL, Yang SH, Lin HI, Cheng KC, Huang YC, Wu CP*. Preventive use of noninvasive ventilation after extubation: a prospective, multicenter randomized controlled trial. Respir Care. 2012 ;57(2):204-10.
32    Chen CW, Wu CP, Dai YL, Perng WC, Chian CF, Su WL, Huang YC. Effects of implementing adaptive support ventilation in a medical intensive care unit. Respir Care. 2011;56(7):976-83.
33    Chang TH, Tsai MF, Su KY, Wu SG, Huang CP, Yu SL, Yu YL, Lan CC, Yang CH, Lin SB, Wu CP, Shih JY, Yang PC. Slug confers resistance to the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183(8):1071-9.
34    Lan CC, Hsu HH, Wu CP, Huang KL, Lee SC, Chang CY, Peng CK, Chang H. Lateral position with the remaining lung uppermost improves matching of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion in pneumonectomized pigs. J Surg Res. 2011;167(2):e55-61.
35    Wang KY, Chian CF, Lai HR, Tarn YH, Wu CP. Clinical pharmacist counseling improves outcomes for Taiwanese asthma patients. Pharm World Sci. 2010 ;32(6):721-9.
36    Peng CK, Huang KL, Wu CP, Li MH, Hu YT, Hsu CW, Tsai SH, Chu SJ. Glutamine protects ischemia-reperfusion induced acute lung injury in isolated rat lungs. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Feb;24(1):153-61.
37    Chian CF, Tsai CL, Wu CP, Chiang CH, Su WL, Chen CW, Perng WC. Five-day course of budesonide inhalation suspension is as effective as oral prednisolone in the treatment of mild to severe acute asthma exacerbations in adults. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2011;24(2):256-60.
38    Wang KY, Wu CP, Ku CH, Chang NW, Lee YH, Lai HR. The effects of asthma education on asthma knowledge and health-related quality of life in Taiwanese asthma patients. J Nurs Res. 2010;18(2):126-35.
39    Peng CK, Huang KL, Wu CP, Li MH, Lin HI, Hsu CW, Tsai SH, Chu SJ. The role of mild hypothermia in air embolism-induced acute lung injury. Anesth Analg. 2010;110(5):1336-42.
40    Lin YY, Hsu CW, Sheu WH, Chu SJ, Wu CP, Tsai SH. Risk factors for recurrent hypoglycemia in hospitalized diabetic patients admitted for severe hypoglycemia. Yonsei Med J. 2010;51(3):367-74.
41    Su WL, Perng WC, Huang CH, Yang CY, Wu CP, Chang FY, Chen JH. Identification of cytokines in whole blood for differential diagnosis of tuberculosis versus pneumonia. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2010;17(5):771-7.
42    Lan CC, Chang CY, Peng CK, Wu CP, Huang KL, Lee SC, Chang H. Effect of body positions on hemodynamics and gas exchange in anesthetized pigs shortly after pneumonectomy. Shock. 2010;34(5):482-7.
43    Wu CP, Lin HI, Perng WC, Yang SH, Chen CW, Huang YC, Huang KL. Correlation between the %MinVol setting and work of breathing during adaptive support ventilation in patients with respiratory failure. Respir Care. 2010;55(3):334-41.
44    Su WL, Chen YH, Chen CW, Yang SH, Su CL, Perng WC, Wu CP, Chen JH. Involuntary cough strength and extubation outcomes for patients in an ICU. Chest. 2010;137(4):777-82.
45    Su WL, Perng WC, Huang CH, Yang CY, Wu CP, Chen JH. Association of reduced tumor necrosis factor alpha, gamma interferon, and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) but increased IL-10 expression with improved chest radiography in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2010 ;17(2):223-31.
46    Chian CF, Wu CP, Chen CW, Su WL, Yeh CB, Perng WC. Acute respiratory distress syndrome after zinc chloride inhalation: survival after extracorporeal life support and corticosteroid treatment. Am J Crit Care. 2010;19(1):86-90.
● 專利 共計3篇:
1.    吳清平、楊式興、彭俊銘、黃忠智、徐國鎧、吳淑芬、黃裕欽(2017)。呼吸器的控制方法、控制系統及處理裝置。中華名國專利號I605841。台北:經濟部智慧財產局。
2.    吳清平、楊式興、徐國鎧、黃忠智、彭俊銘、黃裕欽(2018)。呼吸器的警報方法及呼吸器警報系統。中華名國專利號I614044。台北:經濟部智慧財產局。
3.    Wu, Chin-Pyng ., Yang, Shih-Hsing., Shyu, Kuo-Kai., Huang, Chung-Chih., Peng, Chun-Ming., Huang, Yuh-Chin., (2018). Alarming method for ventilator and ventilator alarm system. United States Patent No. 10,004,861 B2. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
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